BlackBerry Poker

Hvad er Blackberry poker? Blackberry poker er naturligvis, når du spiller poker på din Blackberry.

Der er mange muligheder for at spille poker på en BlackBerry-enhed. Hvis du bruger den oprindelige BlackBerry OS, er du dog begrænset til websteder, der understøtter spil via en webbrowser. Desværre produceres BlackBerry OS ikke længere efter version 10, selvom det stadig understøttes og der vil ikke komme nye versioner. Derfor finder du relativt få pokersider med indbyggede apps til BlackBerry OS. Der er ikke længere en fremtid i at understøtte det.

Den gode nyhed for BlackBerry entusiaster er, at virksomheden stadig eksisterer og er begyndt at bruge Android som operativsystem for sine nyere enheder. Du kan stadig få det klassiske BlackBerry hardware design og tastatur, men nu er det parret med det mest understøttede mobile operativsystem, der bruges af pokerrum og online casinoer.


blackberry poker

Spillerens Guide til BlackBerry Poker

Denne guide vil diskutere mulighederne for at spille poker om rigtige penge på den oprindelige BlackBerry OS, såvel som gratis “play-money” apps, der kan hjælpe dig med at skærpe dit spil. Er du interesseret i at tage springet til en ny BlackBerry, der kører Androids? Vi dækker også denne mulighed.

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Sådan Spiller Du Om Rigtige Penge På Din BlackBerry

Alle de store pokersider, såsom PokerStars og Party Poker, har droppet deres BlackBerry apps. Fakta er, at det er et uddødt operativsystem. Ethvert websted, der stadig tilbyder en oprindelig BlackBerry-app, vil sandsynligvis være små pokersider og de bør undersøges grundigt for legitimitet, før du spiller.

Helt ærligt, hvis du elsker BlackBerry, så er den bedste mulighed at få en nyere enhed, der kører Android. Ældre BlackBerry-enheder er ikke designet til eller i stand til at få nye operativsystemer installeret på dem. Hvis du er nødt til at spille via BlackBerry OS, er det dog stadig muligt at få adgang til casinoer og pokerrum via en webbrowser. Websider som 888Poker tilbyder poker spil uden download via en webbrowser, og hvis du surfer lidt omkring, så kan du finde andre muligheder af denne art. Du vil have meget mere held med at spille video poker via en webbrowser, end du vil, når du spiller bordpoker.

Gratis Poker Muligheder for Ældre BlackBerry Enheder

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Selv om poker spil om rigtige penge er næsten ikke-eksisterende på BlackBerry OS, så er der en række gode spil du kan spille for sjov og for at skærpe dine evner. Texas Hold'em Poker-serien fra ​​Gameloft er nok den mest populære af disse spil på enheden, hvor #3 er den seneste. Du kan spille mod både andre BlackBerry-brugere, der har spillet, og computerens kustige intelligens (AI-modstandere). Funktionerne omfatter at spille i berømte omgivelser som Las Vegas og Monaco, coaching for at forbedre dit spil og en “karrierefunktion”, der giver dig mulighed for at “være stedfortræder” for en pokerproffer. Governor of Poker-serien er et lignende sæt af tre spil, der også er tilgængeligt for BlackBerry OS.

Du kan også tjekke World Series of Poker via din Facebook-app. Selv om alle spil foregår med matadorpenge, kan du tjene virtuelle WSOP-ringe og nogle gange er der rigtige præmier for turneringsvindere.

At Tage Springet til Android Poker

Du kan halte afsted med browserbaserede poker muligheder og gratis spil på BlackBerry OS i nogen tid, men til sidst vil selv disse begrænsede muligheder ophøre. På et tidspunkt må du tage et kig på de nyere enheder, der har Android installeret på dem, hvis du vil spille poker på en BlackBerry-enhed.

De nuværende tilgængelige versioner af BlackBerry-telefoner med Android indeholder KEYone, PRIV, DTEK50 og DTEK60. KEYone og PRIV er dem du skal kigge på, hvis du vil have det klassiske BlackBerry keyboard inkluderet; KEYone har det fusioneret til bunden af telefonen, mens PRIV har det konventionelle slide-out tastatur. DTEK50 og 60 er mere begynder versioner, der har fjernet det fysiske tastatur, men har gjort det tilgængeligt i en virtuel form på skærmen.

Hvis du ønsker at spille poker, så er det bedst at undgå Passport, Classic og Leap, da de leveres med BlackBerry 10 installeret, og det er kompliceret at fjerne det og tilføje et nyt operativsystem.

Og, hvis du tager springet til Android; Husk at tjekke vores Android Poker-sektion for endnu flere gode tips.

BlackBerry Poker Via en Browser eller Android

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Selv om BlackBerry OS ikke fungerer mere, så kan du alligevel spille poker og video poker via en webbrowser, og hvis du har en nyere BlackBerry-enhed, der kører Android, har du det bredeste udvalg af mobile spil om rigtige penge til din rådighed.


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BlackBerry Poker

There are many options for playing poker on a BlackBerry device. If you're using the native BlackBerry OS, however, you'll be limited to sites that support play through a web browser. Unfortunately, though it still supports, BlackBerry OS has been discontinued as of version 10, and there will be no new releases. Consequently, you'll find relatively few poker sites with native apps for the BlackBerry OS. There's no longer a future in supporting it.

The good news for BlackBerry enthusiasts is that the company is still going strong, and has pivoted to using Android as an operating system for its newer devices. You can still get the classic BlackBerry hardware design and keyboard, but now it is paired with the most widely supported mobile operating system used by poker rooms and online casinos.


blackberry poker

The Player's Guide to BlackBerry Poker

This guide will discuss the options for playing real money poker with the native BlackBerry OS, as well as some free “play money” apps that might help sharpen your game. Interested in making the jump to a new BlackBerry that runs Android? We'll cover those options as well.

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How To Play Real Money Poker On Your BlackBerry

All the major poker sites, such as PokerStars and Party Poker, have dropped their BlackBerry apps. It is essentially an extinct operating system. Any sites still offering a native BlackBerry app are likely to be small operations and should be scrutinized for legitimacy.

Honestly, if you love BlackBerry, the best option is to get a newer device that runs Android. Older BlackBerry devices are not designed to or capable of having new operating systems installed on them. If you need to play through BlackBerry OS, however, it may still be possible by accessing casinos and poker rooms through a web browser. Sites like 888Poker do offer “no download” poker play through a web browser, and if you search around you can find other options of this nature. You'll have a lot more luck playing video poker through a web browser than you will playing table poker, however.

Free Poker Options for Older BlackBerry Devices

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Though real money poker play on the BlackBerry OS is virtually nonexistent, there are a number of neat games you can play for fun and to sharpen your skills. The Texas Hold'em Poker series by Gameloft is probably the most popular of these games on the device, with #3 being the most recent entry. You're able to play against both other BlackBerry users who have the game and computer AI opponents. Features include playing in famous settings like Las Vegas and Monaco, coaching to improve your game, and a “career mode” that lets you step into the shoes of a high-level pro. The Governor of Poker series is a similar set of three games that are also quite accessible and available for the BlackBerry OS.

You can also check out the World Series of Poker through your Facebook app. Though all the action is with play money (unless you happen to be in New Jersey or Nevada), you can earn virtual WSOP rings and sometimes there are actual prizes for tournament winners.

Making The Jump to Android Poker

You can limp along with browser-based poker options and free games on the BlackBerry OS for some time, but eventually, even these limited options will come to an end. At some point, if you want to play poker on a BlackBerry device, you're going to have to look at the newer devices that have Android installed on them.

The currently available crop of BlackBerry phones with Android includes the KEYone, PRIV, DTEK50, and DTEK60. The KEYone and PRIV are the ones to look at if you want the classic BlackBerry keyboard included; the KEYone has it fused to the bottom of the phone while the PRIV has the conventional slide-out keyboard. The DTEK50 and 60 are more entry-level versions that excise the physical keyboard, but make it available in an on-screen virtual form.

If you're looking to play poker, it's best to avoid the Passport, Classic, and Leap, as they come with BlackBerry 10 installed and it's complicated to remove that and add a new operating system.

And if you're making the jump to Android, be sure to check out our Android Poker section for even more great tips.

BlackBerry Poker Through a Browser or Android

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Though the BlackBerry OS no longer functions, you can play poker and video poker through a web browser, and if you have a newer BlackBerry device running Android you've got the widest range of mobile real money games at your disposal.


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