3D Printing Technologies: Social Perspectives

Three-dimensional (3D) printing is actively working to revolutionize many industries. From the medical field to auto parts and more, 3D printing offers a wide array of possibilities and the future is bright. This is a new technology; however, one that is growing extremely fast and reaching all aspects of business and industry.

The technology behind 3D printing is unique and has social, ethical, political and cultural repercussions. Understanding what these are can help users of 3D printing better understand its reach, impact, and capability down the road.

Key takeaways from this white paper include:

  • Overview offered by 3D Technologies
  • The sociological perspective of 3D printing
  • The future of 3D printing and what it has to offer down the road

One of the top concerns associated with 3D printing is the potential socio-legal issues it presents. For example, the creation of untraceable, working guns and similar items. Better understanding the impact of 3D printing from a social standpoint is essential to ensure it's regulated as necessary and to minimize the potential issues that may arise down the road.


Originally published by papers.ssrn.com on 11/16/2016

3d printing technologies



Lupton, D. (2016). 3d Printing Technologies: Social Perspectives.

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