Our team of journalists, researchers and educators gather facts, statistics, podcasts, ebooks, up-to-date research, and more for easy access by students, educators, members of the media, and anyone else with an interest in learning about technology, with a particular focus on the connections between gaming and learning.
Inspired by the Multimodal Learning Approach
The idea behind multimodal learning is simple: learning is improved when it is approached in multiple ways. A science student, for example, attends lectures about a specific subject and also a separate laboratory that demonstrates and reinforces the material introduced in the classroom.
In recent years, multimodal approaches to learning have been incorporating information technology to an ever greater extent. The results have been amazing: a whole new generation is developing exciting new ways to gather, assess, and disseminate information.
At the same time, though, the rapid pace of change in these technologies means that it is easy to miss out on new trends and to lose track of evolving ideas. Our site provides a quick and easy way to keep in touch with what is going on in the worlds of gaming and education.
Here, from a single page:
- students can find ideas for research papers and projects
- teachers can explore the latest approaches to game-based learning
- journalists and bloggers can keep on top of recent studies
- parents can answer questions about the role of video games in their children’s lives.
These are just some of the learning tools that can aid students and educators interested in advancing education and leadership through technology.
Educational Resources for Learning and Leadership
Effective Communities Learn in Public
Public learning communities represent an effective way to enhance the educational experience. Through the combined and coordinated efforts of educators, administrators, staff, and of course parents and students, ambitious learning outcomes become possible. Our site promotes this kind of collaboration by creating a central hub where learning communities can:
- survey various approaches to incorporating technology into the classroom
- find open-access and low-cost resources
- develop a sense of what works and what doesn’t when it comes to learning technologies
Tailoring Information Technology to Fit the Classroom
The goal of all learning is to foster a sense of discovery and wonder while communicating key concepts and significant details. Of course, no one approach works with every person every time; this is the idea behind multimodal learning. Educators benefit by observing a wide variety of lesson plans and methodologies and by exploring the kinds of technologies that their students are using.
Hands-On Digital Learning
In most cases, teaching involves the creation of fresh content through the combination of existing ideas and approaches with new ones in order to meet the specific needs of each classroom. In a professional learning community, educators explain their ideas to each other, with the result that the experience of every individual benefits every member of the group as a whole.
We hope to continue providing an ever-evolving digital library of technology resources that are geared to providing access to fresh opportunities and real-world solutions to the challenges faced by today’s learners and educators.