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Welcome to Muchgames Questions and Answers. You may want to start by brushing up on the history of the site or perhaps even the history of its founder, Armin Busatlic!

Muchgames is a website for people who love to play and make friends. The focal point of Muchgames is its gaming community. Our community features many gamers just like yourself, who want to play games and make new friends. On Muchgames, gamers can chat while playing games, message each other, send instant messages, upload their photos, rate games, comment on games, give thumbs up / thumbs down on comments others wrote, add games to their favorites, create their own gamer profile page, customize it, embed videos, playlists, and much much more. Our slogan, "Much More Than Games", says it all.

The sole purpose of this Questions and Answers is to help users understand how the site works and how they can use it. Any questions that aren't answered here may be directed to the Muchgames Administrators.

Table of Contents

User Accounts
Q: What features do I get when I register for Muchgames?
A: When you register to Muchgames, you get the ability to add favorite games, rate games, comment on games, customize your profile page, embed videos and playlists, IM chat with friends, send private messages, upload and share your photos, write notes to friends, draw and share your creative sketches, score game comments, rate profile pages, collect items, accumulate xp points, accumulate wealth, and level up.

Q: How do I customize my profile page?
A: You can access your page from various points on the site. One way is to click on the profile icon located at the top left. It is the second icon from the left. Another way is to simply click your username at the top right. Once you are on your page, and logged in, you will see a yellow "CUSTOMIZE YOUR PAGE" bar at the top of your profile that will allow you to change the color and style of your page. At last, you can drag and drop each panel on your page to the slot you desire. Have fun!

Q: How do I add other people as friends?
A: To become friends with someone, both sides must agree on the friendship. To request someone to become your friend, you can click the "Add to Friends" link on a users profile page OR the '+' icon on a userbox. To browse users, go to the "COMMUNITY" section. Once the user has approved your friendship, you become friends. To approve friendships others have requested to you, you need to go to the "Friends" page. Within that page, you should see a "PENDING FRIENDS" tab located on the left of "ALL FRIENDS". This tab only shows if you have new pending requests.

Q: How do I embed videos, playlists and other media to my page?
A: You need to install the BillBoard application in order to embed media on your page. The billboard application can be found under "More Applications" link found on the left side of your account navigation panel. Once the application is installed, you can access the "My Billboard" account page. On that page, you can place the embed code of your media.

Q: I forgot my username / password. How do I recover my login information?

1. Click on This Link
2. Click on "Login Here" at the bottom right.
3. When a small window shows up, click "Forgot Password".
4. Type your email you used to signup and hit "SEND".
5. Go to your email and click on the activation link inside it.
6. You now be logged in to your account and asked to set a new password.
7. Enter your new desired password twice and hit "SAVE".
If you want to change your temporary password, you can do so in your "My Profile" page.

XP Points and Wealth

Q: How do I accumulate xp points and level up?
A: Much like a traditional role playing game, registered users may acquire xp points and gain levels resulting in a higher status. The best reason to gain xp points is added weight to your votes. Users with an abundance of points will have the strength of multiple voters, meaning they can hurt the games they hate and help the games they love. We make the assumption that anyone who visits the site daily will have a better idea of what good content is, so frequent visitors have more influence over the rankings. Remember, you must be logged in for your voting power to be augmented! Experience points also unlock secrets, which can be accessed from your Account Options page after you log in. The following table will demonstrate the various ways of earning xp points.

1 Playing a game.
2 Posting a comment on a game.
3 Rating a game.
25 Inviting a user to join the site.
25 Sign-Up bonus. ( One-Time Reward )
100 Updating your profile picture. ( One-Time Reward )

Q: What is wealth and how do I accumulate wealth?
A: Wealth is a measure of how popular you are on Muchgames. Wealth is accumulated through items. Every once in a while, a random event will occur where you will find an item. Each item has a value. Your wealth is the TOTAL value of ALL of your items. If you choose to give away an item to someone as a gift, your wealth will drop, and their wealth will increase.

Game Developers

Q: How do I submit a game to Muchgames?
A: Click on "Submit Game" at the bottom of the site. In there, you will be provided a form where you can fill out the game details.

Q: What are the game submission guidelines?

* We do not seek games that are racist or excessively pornographic. Developers should use their best judgment, based one what they see here at Muchgames.
* We do not want "demos" that have no functionality. If a developer has a decent demo, they should consider posting them to the Alphas section. If we see multiple entries in the Portal such as "Crap Game v0.3" then "Crap Game v0.5", we will delete them because they are annoying.
* We despise games that auto-redirect or auto-spawn windows to other sites. If people like a submission they will click on a link that takes them there anyway. If we catch a user using an auto-redirect or auto-spawn, the offending Muchgames account may be deleted.
* Developers should not beg for high votes. If a comment reads "Vote a 3 or higher and I'll make more" or something similar, we will most likely delete it. Also, ploys like "Vote a 5 if you support Napster!" warrant deletion too.
* Users MUST NOT upload games that they did not make. We will ban the IP address of any offenders and Muchgames suddenly won't be so fun anymore. Also keep in mind that a user uploading a movie to the Portal is making a legal claim that it is their original work. It is a good idea to put a Muchgames validated e-mail address somewhere in the beginning or ending of a movie so we can easily determine if the movie is stolen or not. We also love it when users put the Muchgames logo in their games. You can get the Muchgames logo here.

Q: Why won't the Flash Portal accept my submission?
A: Users need to make sure their games are in .swf format. When a Flash game is created, the source file is labeled with the .fla extension, while the compiled movie is an .swf file. Selecting "Export Movie" from the file menu in Flash is the simplest way to create a Portal-compliant Flash file. The Portal will also reject a game if it is too big.

Q: Why is it that my submission "exceeds the file size limit" of the Flash Portal?
A: The Portal has a 10 MegaByte file size limit. We set this limit to encourage more optimized Flash submissions. Making a 150k Flash game and adding a 2.5meg .mp3 file is just wasteful. Users who have files over 10megs that are more than just stick figures shooting each other can e-mail them on the off chance that we'll watch them.

Q: Does Muchgames have a Game API?
A: Yes. Our API is very simple. It simply involves linking the game you submit with our highscore system. We require three variables to be sent out to the following url:

The data needs to be sent to the following URL using POST: http://www.muchgames.com/highscore Variables: intGameId = ( id of the game ) strName = ( name of the person submitting the score ) fltScore = ( score achieved in integer or float format )

System Requirements

There are two key components required to take full advantage of the features on this site:
Adobe Flash version 10.1+ . Download Now!
Javascript version 1.2+ . Download Now!

Q: What if I have an older version of Flash?
A: Many site features require Flash 8, without it users will not be able to play brand new games, Audio Player visualizations, or Chat. There is a pretty good chance you'll still be able to view many Muchgames games and movies, but an increasing number of submissions take advantage of newer Flash features. Do yourself a favor and upgrade now.

Q: How do I know if I have the correct version of Javascript?
A: Most browsers ship with Javascript enabled. If it has been disabled for some reason, then critical site features – such as Flash submissions, review and comment forms, and even the login fields at the top of every page – will not work. Users can check their browsers' settings to make sure Javascript is enabled.

Q: Why should I make sure cookies are enabled?
A: This site uses browser cookies to keep users logged in as they jump from page to page, and for other small tasks such as displaying the last time a user visited the Muchgames Forums.

Q: Why does my computer need to have the correct date and time?
A: Changing the date or time on your computer may affect the cookies used by this site by causing them to expire prematurely, and could potentially cause login errors.

Q: How do I enable popups for this site?
A: Below are the instructions on how you would enable popups for your specific system.

PC Users
Internet Explorer 6.0 on operating system Windows XP Service Pack 2

1. From Tools point to Pop-up Blocker, and then click on Pop-up Blocker Settings
2. Type www.qantas.com.au in the box 'Address of Web site to allow' and click Add
3. Set the Filter Level to Medium: Block most automatic pop-ups
4. Click Close

Firefox 1.0.x

1. From Tools select Options
2. Select the Web Features icon
3. Ensure Block Pop-up Windows is not checked
4. Click OK


1. From Tools select Options
2. Select the Web Features icon
3. Click Allowed Sites
4. Type www.qantas.com.au into the field
5. Click Allow
6. Click OK

Mozilla 1.7.x

1. From Edit select Preferences
2. From the left hand side menu, click on + to open Privacy & Security
3. Under Pop-up Windows, tick the check box for 'Block unrequested pop up windows'
4. Then select Allowed Sites
5. Type www.qantas.com.au in the box 'Allow pop-ups from the following web sites' and click Add
6. Click OK
7. Click OK

Opera 8.x

1. From Tools select Preferences
2. Under the General tab ensure 'Block unwanted pop-ups' is activated in the Pop-ups drop down box
3. Click OK

Note: When using 'Block Unwanted Pop-ups', your result on our Viewing Tips page will still be FAILED, yet pop-ups will work. A PASS will only be noted if you select 'Open pop-ups in background' or 'Open all pop-ups'.

Netscape 7.x

1. From Edit select Preferences
2. From the left hand side menu, click on + to open Privacy & Security
3. Under Pop-up Windows, ensure the 'Suppress pop-ups' radio button is selected
4. Then select Exceptions
5. Type www.qantas.com.au into the field and click Add
6. Click OK

Mac Users

Opera 8.x

1. From Opera select Preferences
2. Under the General tab ensure 'Block unwanted pop-ups'^ is activated in the Pop-ups drop down box
3. Click OK

Note: When using 'Block Unwanted Pop-ups', your result on our Viewing Tips page will still be FAILED, yet pop-ups will work. A PASS will only be noted if you select 'Open pop-ups in background' or 'Open all pop-ups'.

Safari 1.3.x and Safari 2.x

1. From the Safari menu, ensure 'Block pop-up windows' is unchecked

Mozilla 1.7.x

1. From Mozilla select Preferences
2. From the left hand side menu click on + to open Privacy & Security
3. Under Pop-up Windows, tick the check box for 'Block unrequested pop-up windows'
4. Then select Allowed Sites
5. Type www.qantas.com.au in the box 'Allow pop-ups from the following web sites' and click Add
6. Click OK
7. Click OK

Netscape 7.x

1. From Netscape select Preferences
2. From the left hand side menu, click on + to open Privacy & Security
3. Under Pop-up Windows, tick the check box for 'Block unrequested pop-up windows'
4. Then select Allowed Sites
5. Type www.qantas.com.au into the field and click Add
6. Click OK