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Riddle Odyssey

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Game Rating
6 votes
7,930 plays
Game Description

hey guys, here is my next game. you have to solve riddles to get to the next lvl. 19 levels 1-5 – easy 6-10 – medium 11-15 – hard 16-19 – impossible good luck :) Please dont share any lvl passwords. Thank you. Updates api included Instructions get through lvls by clicking or typing in the answer and confirm with “enter”. more instructions ingame.

Riddle Odyssey Comments (5)
Newest Comments
Score: 0 |
they a man with a gun
Score: 0 |
Score: 0 |
Score: 0 |
I hate the question in number 5 ? I don\'t even get it ?
Score: +1 |
i cant figure out nimber 6, but the rest were cool :)
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