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Raze 2

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Game Rating
863 votes
855,473 plays
Game Description

Raze 2 is a 2D arena-style shooting game played with the mouse and keyboard. In this game your goal is to arm yourself with a vast array of weapons, equipment, and abilities to fight off the alien forces and save the human race. When youre done with that, take command of the alien forces in their own unique campaign and fight for the destruction of the human race!

Raze 2 Comments (296)
Best Comments
Score: +82 |
awesome. I like games with weapons. they are usually fun
Score: +71 |
Score: +53 |
good game
Score: +41 |
this game is way toooooo ffffffuuuuuuuunnnnnnn
Score: +37 |
i gave out 5/5 really awesome game, i am vicied on it now
Newest Comments
Score: 0 |
hi i am new fun game fun life
Score: 0 |
DONT READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW THAT YOU'VE STARTED READING, DONT STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1 say your name 10 times 2. say your mum's name 5 times and your crushes name 3 times 4. paste this onto 4 other games. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday possible. But if you read this and do not paste this, you will get bad luck. SEND THIS ON 5 DIFFERENT GAMES IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOUR DONE, PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSHES NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS. THIS IS SO FREAKY IT ACTUALLY WORKS
Score: 0 |
think awsomeeeeeeeeeeeee but cant get paed leve 4 my first missn
Score: 0 |
theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssstttttttttttttttttttt game i everplayed!
Score: 0 |
Love the game..even my dad loves it...
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