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Mud And Blood 2

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Game Rating
22 votes
76,678 plays
Game Description

Ready for some unfair brutality? Experience World War 2 as a squad leader in a extensively random war game. MNB2 is all about testing your decision making ability and your faculty to adapt in a scenario where no punches are pulled. This is your show. Complete freedom over how you will setup your defence position with more than 42 options ranging from different soldiers, weapons, buildings and air…show moreReady for some unfair brutality? Experience World War 2 as a squad leader in a extensively random war game. MNB2 is all about testing your decision making ability and your faculty to adapt in a scenario where no punches are pulled. This is your show. Complete freedom over how you will setup your defence position with more than 42 options ranging from different soldiers, weapons, buildings and airstrikes…now get out there and fight with all you got.show less Updates MNB 2.2.5 is now live folks with new toys for the allies. Things that are new: - New allied unit Land Mattress 16 barreled rocket launcher.. that’s right 16. - New officer order: combat leadership, give one XP to a soldier for a TP, useful to push a soldier that is close to promotion. - New allied defense, pillbox, indestructible structure that acts like a bunker. The only only draw back is that …show moreMNB 2.2.5 is now live folks with new toys for the allies. Things that are new: - New allied unit Land Mattress 16 barreled rocket launcher.. that’s right 16. - New officer order: combat leadership, give one XP to a soldier for a TP, useful to push a soldier that is close to promotion. - New allied defense, pillbox, indestructible structure that acts like a bunker. The only only draw back is that soldiers inside cannot see what’s going on outside. Makes a perfect place for your high value soldiers such as you officer and sig. - Morale Fix, veteran soldiers will be less affected by the gruesome reallities of war. Recruits in the other hand.. are still shaky. - New German unit. Fear the Wespe, the mobile artillery tank. Thanks folks and visit mudandblood.net for update newsshow less Instructions Select a soldier and click where you want him to move. Press space bar to pause the game. Soldiers will engage any targets they see automatically starting by the nearest. All soldiers wont see and/or engage enemies that are behind rocks and trees so keep in mind fire arcs when moving or deploying soldiers. Use your tactical points to upgrade or call reinforcements.

Mud And Blood 2 Comments (8)
Newest Comments
Score: +2 |
miten tän saa käyntii pystyyks kukaa pelaa tätä
Score: 0 |
how to start this up how i played mud and blood 2 but not this one
Score: 0 |
SOmeone said you have to wait for a minute and it should work o.o but I was waiting for 10 min
Score: -1 |
Score: +1 |
het spel doet het niet
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