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Interactive Buddy

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Game Rating
2589 votes
312,629 plays
Game Description

Interactive Buddy is a simulation game played with the mouse. In this game you have a little bubbly friend who will interact with you and react to things you do to him. Give him a grenade and watch him run away from them after the first one blows up in his face! Fling him around the room and bounce him off the walls! Select these and a number of other options from the menu!

Interactive Buddy Comments (1248)
Best Comments
Score: +125 |
This is my happy place.
Score: +53 |
Score: +31 |
there needs to be a secong one real bad i spent like all day playin this
Score: +27 |
Score: +7 |
good game
Newest Comments
Score: 0 |
DONT READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW THAT YOU'VE STARTED READING, DONT STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1 say your name 10 times 2. say your mum's name 5 times and your crushes name 3 times 4. paste this onto 4 other games. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday possible. But if you read this and do not paste this, you will get bad luck. SEND THIS ON 5 DIFFERENT GAMES IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOUR DONE, PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSHES NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS. THIS IS SO FREAKY IT ACTUALLY WORKS
Score: 0 |
this is too much!
Score: 0 |
such a funny game
Score: 0 |
Score: 0 |
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