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Every Day The Same Dream

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Game Rating
11 votes
9,517 plays
Game Description

So, you think you are having... 'Every Day The Same Dream'? Well, maybe it's not a dream but just the pure Reality? Find out in this virtual game!

Every Day The Same Dream Comments (11)
Newest Comments
Score: 0 |
Score: +1 |
Perfect illustration of the daily routine of 90% people lives. Same day, every day, not a dream but a nightmare. Free yourself, escape as you can, thats the main theme of the game. Brillant, dark and monotonous even on music and grey colors to serve the subject. Thats exactly why I do what I do, and work half a year in a foreign country. I wont be that guy, prisoner of his cubicle. Not today, not tomorrow. Going into fav, simple mechanic and concept, slightly disturbing, brilliantly applied.
Score: -4 |
lameeeeeeeeee Below score threshold ( Show Comment )
Score: +1 |
nic graphics
Score: +3 |
This game is very interesting. you really have to think about it. Its very plain and sad. but its extremely interesting
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