Video slots

Video slots – eller spelautomater med animeringar – blev populära på nittiotalet, men hade i själva verket funnits i flera år innan spelarna fick upp ögonen för dem. När de slog igenom var det på grund av att de kunde erbjuda spelarna dussintals vinstlinjer, snarare än ett fåtal, som de klassiska enarmade banditerna. Dessutom har de bonusomgångar plus avancerad, levande grafik och musik, vilket har gjort dem ännu mer populära.

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Numera är video slots de mest populära casinospelen, både på nätet och på klassiska casinos, och nya spännande spel kommer ut hela tiden, ofta med teman från populära TV-serier och filmer.

Vad är det som skiljer video slots från andra spel?

Video slots skiljer sig markant från enarmade banditer, som endast hade frukter eller sjuor på vinstlinjerna. Med animeringar och helt elektroniskt spelande kunde video slots erbjuda större jackpots (men lite lägre odds), eftersom de inte var lika begränsade som de klassiska automaterna.

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I och med att de gamla vanliga spelautomaterna blev mindre populära lämnade de flesta spelarna dem för att prova på bordsspel istället. Men video slots ändrade på det, till en början med att de ändrade hur vinstlinjerna fungerade. Numera är 25 vinstlinjer standard, men vissa spel har upp till 100 stycken. Varför är det så viktigt?

Jo, fler vinstlinjer ökar spelarens chanser att få tillbaka åtminstone en del av sin ursprungliga insats med varje snurr. Det betyder att fler spelar vidare även om de inte vunnit stort, särskilt om de vill få lojalitetspoäng eller kredit från casinot för sitt spelande.


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Fler vinstlinjer ökade också automaternas jackpottar. Till exempel så har Wheel of Fortune-spelen en grundnivå för jackpotten på 100 000$ som ökar och regelbundet når miljontals dollar, vilket är en av faktorerna som har gjort dem så populära.

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Viktigast av allt var att de helt elektroniska automaterna kunde länkas för att skapa en gemensam jackpot. Det betyder att spel över hela världen kan bidra till och skapa en enorm jackpot!


En annan fördel med video slots är att de erbjuder mer spänning för spelarna med bonusomgångar. Det låter spelarna snurra på ett antal sätt, och även om oddsen kan vara lägre än i grundspelet ger bonusomgången spelaren chansen att vinna ännu större priser. På klassiska casinos kan automaterna på golvet dessutom vara länkade, så att alla spelare får komma åt bonusomgången på samma gång, vilket ökar spänningen.

Dessutom erbjuder spelautomater med animering spännande grafik och ljudeffekter, moderna videos, rolig musik och mer. Det betyder att många spelare faktiskt väljer automat beroende på hur den ser ut och låter istället för hur oddsen ser ut.

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En sak som kan vara svår för nybörjare är att video slots kan verka mer förvirrande än klassiska spel med endast tre hjul. Det kan vara lurigt att se var vinstlinjerna egentligen ligger, eller hur priserna ser ut. Dessutom kan det krävas lite jobb för att ta reda på hur bonusomgångarna fungerar, eller vad de har för odds.

Dock bör dessa faktorer inte stå i din väg om du är intresserad av video slots – på nätet kan du nämligen experimentera med spel utan att behöva satsa riktiga pengar. I princip alla nätcasinos erbjuder ett gratisläge som låter dig prova på olika spel utan risk (men även utan riktiga vinster, såklart).

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Odds & RTP

Casinot har alltid bättre odds än spelaren, oberoende av vilket spel man väljer. Du bör alltid ta reda på hur stor andel som spelautomaten betalar ut till spelarna (det kallas för RTP – Return to Player). På ett bra nätcasino hittar du all information du behöver, men kom ihåg att procentandelarna alltid är uppskattningar.

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Dagens video slots

Spelautomaterna har genomgått stora förändringar sedan den klassiska enarmade banditen uppfanns. Numera erbjuder de spel med multimedia, ljud, ljus och spännande bonusomgångar, och du kan välja bland hundratals olika spel och teman för att hitta ett som passar dig. Prova på utbudet i gratisläge – då behöver du inte riskera några pengar, och kan lätt hitta dina favoritspel.

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Video Slots

Video slots opnåede international popularitet på casinoer i midten af 1990'erne, selvom de oprindeligt dukkede op ca. tyve år tidligere. Det store skift i brugen skyldtes dels indarbejdelsen af snesevis af betalingslinjer; hvor der tidligere kun var én betalingslinje. Derudover fungerede bonusrunder og avanceret, fordybende grafik og musik som brændstof for den udbredte interesse.

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I dag udgør video slots størsteparten af slot spil på online casinoer og på traditionelle casino gulve. De hotteste nye spil er altid video slots. Kampagner, der kombinerer populære tv-shows og filmudgivelser med slots, er fristende og overtalende marketingstaktikker.

Hvordan Er Video Slots Anderledes?

Video slots var forskellige på mange måder fra deres forgænger, den velkendte “enarmede tyveknægt” fyldt med symbolsk frugt eller syv-taller på betalingslinjen. Mens disse tre-hjuls slots blev elektronisk styret af tilfældige talgeneratorer allerede i 1970'erne, forblev princippet det samme; at få tre symboler på en central betalingslinje. Da kombinationsmulighederne ikke var særlig høje, vandt spillere temmelig ofte. Så casinoer holdt til gengæld jackpotterne små. I sidste ende mistede slots deres appel og spillerne søgte mod de mere komplekse regelsæt ved bordsspil og den socialisering, der fulgte med dem.

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Video slots gjorde spilleautomater komplekse og attraktive igen. Den første væsentlige udvikling var øgningen af betalingslinjer. Femogtyve betalingslinjer er nu standard på video slots, men nogle har så mange som 100. Så hvorfor er det vigtigt med flere betalingslinjer?

For det første øgede de spillerens sandsynlighed for at genvinde en del af den oprindelige indsats, hvilket reducerede antallet af “rene tab”. Så spillere, der spiller for comps, kan profitere med delvise vundne spins i sidste ende.

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Øgningen af betalingslinjer tilføjede også muligheden for meget større jackpotbeløb. For eksempel indeholdt Wheel of Fortune spil jackpots, der starter på 100.000 $ og regelmæssigt øges til millioner af dollars.

Disse lukrative jackpots skabte en spænding og en tilskuer entusiasme, som de forholdsvis små jackpots på klassiske slots aldrig gjorde.

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Gratis Online Video Slots – HD Gameplay

Vigtigst af alt var, at video slots computiserede natur gjorde det muligt at linke maskiner sammen for at fodre jackpots. I nogle tilfælde blev jackpots mellem forskellige casinoer og forskellige dele af verden forbundet.

Slot Bonusrunder

Bonusrunder tilføjede endnu et lag af spillerinteraktion. Denne udvikling lokkede spillerne til at spinde på en række varierede måder. Mens oddsene var dårligere end i basispillet, så lod det spilleren genvinde tab eller bevæge sig endnu hurtigere gennem spilniveauerne, når bonusrunden blev aktiveret. Bonusspil tilføjede også et socialt element, da slots var strategisk forbundne på casino gulvet. Med denne konfiguration startede alle spillere samtidig på bonusrunden og øgede spændingen på gulvet.

Sidst, men ikke mindst, var der den sensoriske stimulering, som video slots tilbød. Grafikken og videoer var moderne, musikken var tiltalende, og nogle spillere valgte endda spil baseret udelukkende på lydeffekterne.

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Én udfordring, som video slots repræsenterede, især for en nybegynder, var, at præsentationen var meget mere forvirrende end traditionelle tre-hjuls slots. Det var ikke umiddelbart klart, hvad der udgjorde en betalingslinje, eller hvad udbetalingen var til spilleren. Disse oplysninger blev typisk tydeligt vist på de gamle maskiner. Video slots gav heller ingen oplysninger om bonusrunder i starten, hvilket tvang spillere til at uddanne sig selv.

Dette var en betydelig fordel for online gaming. På et traditionelt casino var der ingen anden måde at eksperimentere med et video slot spil på, end at satse penge på det. Online casinoer tilbyder næsten altid et gratis mode, hvor man har ubegrænset adgang til spillet uden at satse rigtige penge. Naturligvis var der også udbetaling, men det øgede spillerens færdighed.

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Odds og Afkast til Spilleren (RTP) Procenter

Huset har altid en fordel, uanset hvilket videospil der spilles. Det er også mere vanskeligt at beregne tilbagebetalingsprocenten for ​​video slots, da huset kan skjule mange vigtige oplysninger. Online spillere har dog mere information til rådighed af denne art, end spillere på live casinoer har, men du vil opdage, at mange online slots tilbagebetingsprocenter i bedste fald kun kan omtrentlig estimeres.

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Der Er Intent Gammeldags Ved Dagens Video Slots


Spilleautomater har bevæget sig langt væk fra den ikoniske enarmede tyveknægt med frugt og Bar-symboler. I dag er de et multimedie, superdrevet gaming system. I sidste ende giver video slots spænding, nydelse og underholdning. Deres variation er deres styrke, og deres appel afhænger helt af spillerens perspektiv. Da risikoen ved at tjekke de forskellige muligheder er minimal, så vil en klog spiller søge efter det spil, der passer ham / hende bedst.

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Online Slots

To learn more about online slots, continue reading. For specific information on any topic, click the relevant link below:

  • Casino Slots
  • Classic Slots
  • Free Slots
  • Fun Slots
  • Live Slots
  • No Download Slots
  • Vegas Slots
  • Video Slots

The first online slots with real money wagering appeared in the mid-1990s along with the original online casinos. Around the same time, live casinos introduced video slots with five reels and 25 to 50 pay lines.

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Naturally, this style was adapted to online slot games as well and makes up the majority of slots you'll find on the internet.

Currently, some slot manufacturers release both online and live versions of their new games at the same time. Konami and IGT are two major companies that have a strong presence both online and on casino floors. There are also some popular slot developers that work entirely online, such as NetEnt.

Online Slots – Live HD Gameplay

Not every single slot game seen on casino floors is available online. However, you'll find most of the popular slots along with thousands of online-exclusive games.

Online Slots vs. Live Slots

Online slots have a number of advantages over their live versions.

One of the biggest features is the selection. There are far more options offered online than could be housed in even the biggest traditional gambling capitals of the world. And, many of the most popular games from casino floors have a virtually identical online version.

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Convenience and comfort are other important factors of internet gambling. If you're not a smoker, you're stuck with whatever small amount of slots a live casino puts in its non-smoking area.

At home, the climate is totally under your control. You're also not subject to the people who came to get intoxicated rather than play. And you don't have to worry about slow drink service and overpriced food.

Mobile Slots

Online casinos are frequently making their full slots lineup available through a mobile app or a web browser. This means that you're not tethered to a desktop or laptop, you can use your phone or tablet to play while on the move.

When you play slots online, you can also try out most (if not all) of a casino's games for free. Simply play for practice or fun and get used to the game without having to make a real money wager. You won't see this option at any live casinos!

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Free Online Slot Machines

Playing online slots also has cost savings. Usually, the most expensive part of a gambling trip is the hotels, transportation, and food. This is especially true if you're going to a popular place like Vegas on a crowded holiday weekend.

Finally, online play has the perk of exclusive slot bonuses. You can chip down the house advantage using unique bonuses such as deposit matching and no deposit free spins. Keep reading for more details.

Exclusive Slot Bonuses for the Web

At live casinos, you're usually expected to play through thousands of dollars before they begrudgingly reward you with a free buffet pass.

At online casinos, you can expect much more valuable bonuses. Some of which you'll get immediately after opening your account.

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Online Slots Bonuses

Slot bonuses are rewards offered to online players. These perks come in many forms, including deposit match, free spins, refer-a-friend bonuses and more. The main bonus you can expect from online slots is an initial deposit matching bonus. You might also see these referred to as a welcome or sign-up bonus. Casinos will usually provide you with free play in an amount that equals up to 200% of your initial deposit.

However, there are some requirements. You'll have to wager through a certain amount (usually a multiple of the original deposit) before being able to withdraw any winnings from the bonus. Also, there may be a minimum deposit requirement.

No Deposit Slot Bonus

No deposit slot bonuses are also popular online. The only real equivalent in a live casino would be free play just for signing up for their player's card, but free play with no strings attached is becoming extremely rare. No-deposit bonuses are more common online. They usually give you a certain amount of free spins just for opening an account.

Online casinos also commonly offer smaller bonuses every time a player makes a new deposit. The amount will vary by casino and by deposit amount. These bonuses tend to run from 5% to 25% of the deposit.

Given the superior bonus structure, convenience, and more favorable payouts of online slots, you might never feel the need to make a journey to a casino again!

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Video Slots

Video slots gained international popularity on casino floors in the mid-1990s, although they initially appeared some twenty years earlier. The major shift in usage was due in part to the incorporation of dozens of pay lines; where in the past it was limited to one. Additionally, bonus slot rounds and advanced, immersive graphics and music helped fuel the widespread interest.

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Today, video slots constitute the majority of slot games; in online casinos and on traditional casino floors. The hottest new games are invariably video slots. Promotions coupling popular TV shows and movie releases with the slots are enticing and pervasive marketing tactics.

How Are Video Slots Different?

Video slots were distinct in many ways from their predecessor, the well-known, “one-armed bandit” models replete with symbolic fruit or the number seven on the pay line. While these three-reel slots were electronically controlled with random number generators as early as the 1970s, the principle remained the same; to line up three reels across one central pay line. Since possible aggregate combinations were not tremendously high, players won fairly often. So casinos, in turn, kept jackpots small. Ultimately, slots lost their appeal and gamblers sought out the more complex rule sets of table games and the socialization that accompanied them.

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Video slots made slot machines complex and attractive again. The first significant development was the increase in pay lines. Twenty-five pay lines are now standard on video slots, but some go as high as 100. Why are more pay lines important?

First, they increased the player’s probability of recouping part of the original wager, which reduced the number of “pure loss” spins. So players who gamble for comps might profit with partial-win spins in the end.

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The increase in pay lines also added the possibility of much larger jackpot amounts. For example, the Wheel of Fortune games contained jackpots that start at $100,000 and regularly increased into the millions of dollars.

These lucrative jackpots generated an excitement and crowd enthusiasm that the relatively small jackpots of classic slots never did.

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Most importantly, the computerized nature of video slots made it possible to link machines together to feed progressive jackpots. In some cases, jackpots were linked between different casinos and different parts of the world!

Slot Bonus Rounds

Bonus rounds added another layer of player interaction. This development enticed players to spin in a variety of ways. While the odds were longer than in the base game, hitting the bonus round let the player recoup losses or move even faster through the game levels. Bonus games also added a social element when slots were strategically linked together on the floor. With this configuration, all players entered the bonus round simultaneously, increasing floor excitement.

Finally but not to be discounted, there are the sensory stimulation video slots afforded. The graphics and videos were modern, the music was appealing and some players even picked games based solely on the sound effects.

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One challenge video slots presented, especially to a novice, is that the presentation was a lot more confusing than traditional three-reel slots. It's was not immediately clear what constituted a pay line, or what the payouts were to the player. This information was typically displayed prominently on the old machines. Video slots also didn’t give information on bonus rounds initially which forced players to educate themselves.

This was a significant advantage for online slots gaming. In a traditional casino, there was no way to experiment with a video slot game other than placing money into it. Online casinos almost always offer a free mode where one has unlimited access to the game without placing a bet. Clearly, there was also payout, but it increased the player’s fluency.

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Odds and Return to Player (RTP) Percentages

The house always has an advantage regardless of which video slot game is played. It's also more difficult to calculate the payback percentage of video slots since the house can hide a lot of crucial information. Online players have more information of this nature available to them than players on casino floors do, but you will find many online slot payback percentages can only be roughly estimated at best.

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There’s Nothing Old-Fashioned About Today’s Video Slots

Slot Machines have come a long way from the iconic fruit and bar one-arm bandit. Today, they are a multi-media, super-powered gaming system. Ultimately, video slots supply excitement, enjoyment, and fun. Their variety is their strength and their appeal depends entirely on the player’s perspective. Since the risk is minimal to investigate the different options, a wise player will search around for the game that suits him best.

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